3/20 Podcast - The Fixing of CT
1. Some public servants have lost their path
We need to send to our public servants the Connecticut Charter, Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
These are their job descriptions. This is what they’re supposed to be protecting: the rights of man… Not the Right of Way for builders or whatever they call it now. Right of way… that’s an insult to the word Right. For the thousands millions who have died, protecting the rights of man. A revolution was fought… multiple revolutions… for the Rights of Man. So you betray your job description and your oath To serve and Protect us for the benefit of a handful… of others who are in it for themselves.
You just need to look in the mirror, and you need to read these documents. And remember why you got in it in the first place.
Service to the state is a noble calling. The most noble, according to ancient Romans. And to the 99.9% of civil servants, public servants, elected officials… everybody that works to make our lives better in any capacity… Healthcare workers; people on the street; in communities; dedicated to helping those people live better lives. That’s what you’re there for.
Let’s just read these documents. And we’ll start reading the other ones that are going and see if we can get back on the path. The way it is now it’s just not sustainable at all.
2. The construction industry is running the state
It’s downright abuse of the system. We’re abused by the system down here in Fairfield and Bridgeport. And the county, and we’re an example of what’s going on. It’s dominated overwhelmingly by the building and construction industry, which is huge. But really, just a handful of companies working in concert, of course with the labor unions.
But it’s building and it’s the buildings they build. And that’s all they do. And that’s all they think about. And they’re big. And they’re strong. And it’s Where can I build? What patch of land can I build on? What can I build? How can I maximize the building? Let me get the money. Let me change the code. Let me talk to the developers. Let me talk to the builders and let me talk to the zoning board and let me talk to the planners. Let me talk to the commission and pressure them and pressure them and twist it and turn the code to maximize everything and work with elected officials. Work with various agencies within the state to control them and to push through their agenda, and that is what you have now. If you look at it, it is a Golden Corral all-you-can-eat Builders Buffet, from the very first piece of legislation they passed that they proposed. When the session began, it was like January 20th, it was like, a week after they had opened, and they came out with a detailed 30-point plan of all this stuff that they wanted. What is that? With the strife going on in our world. And the threats to liberty and people being deported for free speech. And you’re passing, and you’re proposing legislation to help Builders build to the maximum amount to to override local control, which is the opposite of what you’re there for. You’re supposed to protect us, not protect Builders rights. You have to reread your job description.
3. Everybody knows what’s going on
So it’s an example of the out-of-county, out-of-state, influence. When I say the state, I mean everybody from the elected officials to the Secretary of State’s office with all their agencies and everybody in the public sector. And how they, in turn, have controlled, local.
4. It starts with Bridgeport
We can say, Bridgeport, I’ve documented many times on how the state is aware of all the Ganim Administration… mistakes. His election filings. And with the numbers. There have been no penalties at all for the work. Slap on the wrist for investigations open for five years, and no, and they know that the state knows that the feds know that. So, why does it continue? It’s always a bigger investigation. That’s what it’s always been. It is part of a bigger investigation. But it is also true that the state is aware, and the Democratic party is aware, fully aware… the Democratic party. You have to remember, control. Bridgeport is 100% Democrat on the Town Council and the mayor. And they have a two to one super majority in the state, and they want to keep that. They can override vetoes with the super majority. Anything they want to do, they can do, and Republicans and the governor are helpless to stop them. That’s the scenario we’re in now, and they are ruthless in maintaining that. And Bridgeport is a huge part of that. So they keep Bridgeport alive through the construction and building industry.
5. $700 Million for Bridgeport schools is for the people of Bridgeport
And a prime example, an obscene example is happening right before our eyes right now. Because you look at the school and the school construction on the east side and the East End of Bridgeport… you look at the school construction, especially for Bridgeport. It has been one school after another school after another school. For 25 years and longer. And they’ve now actually run out of schools. Even though there’s 37 schools, so the pressure is on Ganim, they want construction. They want the schools. Where are the schools? And it doesn’t matter who is there or the quality of the schools they need the jobs. So, what is Joe Ganim told to do? Close the schools. He closed six schools, announced the closing of six schools on the east side, East End, East Side of Bridgeport. It refers to the east of the river. I don’t even know the Pequonnic River, maybe? Um, up to the border of Stratford. So, when you say, like the east side and the East End struggles economically.. depressed… a lot of minorities. And Ignored, abused, used for what it can be, which are construction projects. They closed the schools over there, including one a special needs school. Tiny Tim. Right from Christmas Carol? Handicapped.. Now, they are closing the schools, which were in the worst, most vulnerable communities, the lowest performing schools and the hardest to have teacher retention? There was a little bit of an outcry, as you can imagine, like, wait, what? And then, he’s, like, okay, we’ll send our inspector in and see the condition they’re in. And then, lo and behold, he goes in. He’s gonna get 500 million dollars for fixes and you know what if they said? How about we send our guy there? It’s not 500 million, and then it’s now 700 million, and the contract was awarded to a two-person startup. No bid 700 million and expanded to all 37 schools. And rewriting of the Plan of Conservation & Development. It’s called the POCD. It’s hugely important, rewriting they’re giving themselves everything, right before our eyes. That can’t happen.
6. Fresh Air in Fairfield
And then you bounce over to Fairfield, where we have a chance for a breath of fresh air. We are replacing the retiring zoning director. They give it that name. I’ll just call it zoner. It kills me even to use that name, we’ll just say. Zoning. All right. So the person with zoning expertise because that’s really what it was. It was the zoner. He was the zoning guy in the planning and zoning. He was the zoning. He was the guru for zoning. What does that mean? The person who can manipulate and examine. And take the code. It is complex. It’s dense. It doesn’t make sense. It’s crazy. You get district after district, you change it at will… you call new names and areas just for your own plans? It’s insane, but it’s clutch because you put the numbers in there that let Builders do what they want to do. All right, go up higher, go 40 feet. Go more, put in as many buildings as you can, build buildings to capacity, They’re just empty spaces in the sky. They are white boxes in the sky. Pretend the facade was gone from all those buildings. What do you see, you see, just a grid of white boxes, right? That’s what they are. That’s what they’re building… white boxes in the sky.
7. Fairfield’s Master Plan
The plan. How can you write the plan? If you don’t know the town. How could Fairfielders get behind a plan written by somebody who doesn’t know the town? It’s just a template for building, who doesn’t care about the town or care to know the town. It doesn’t make sense. So required reading on a local level are the town plans, including the drafts, and what was done and approved. Written by out-of-town vendors because it’s eye-opening for everybody, and it is required reading. Okay, so that’s eight documents. It’s not so easy, but how, if you don’t read them, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I have read them, so that’s who I am. And 25 years ago, I read the 2000 plan, and I saw right away what a sham it was. And the thing that’s tragic. So, and here’s the key thing more than anything else. The last plans we did before that were in the late 70s, actually 1976, and there was another one done in 79. Which is a whole different story of why, why would they redo a plan three years later after spending all that time and expense to do one supposed to last 10, 20 years. It’s because there was malfeasance really. They took things out of the 76 plan: oversight, governorship, conservatorship, environmental stuff. It was the approach of big business. And that’s why they eliminated positions. They eliminated an entire department called the Department of Ecology. In addition, two people: a real planner, a real assistant planner. Not the zoner. Goodbye to the zoner. That’s the name of it. That’s the name of the headline. It’s not planned. It’s an insult to planners. So, I don’t want to use that name. It was zoning and even people in the zoning commission. The planning and zoning commission would say the zoner is the knowledge and intricacy and the complexity. Look at that. How could anybody know, and anybody think that is so convoluted in such a giant mess for their benefit? Take it, take your… I want the zoner to take his zoning. Goodbye. Goodbye to your plan, Goodbye to your zoning. These are revolutionary times…how I talk all the time about these are the R’s, right? Reuse, recycle, replace. This is the big one: Revolutionary… revolve.
8. The Revolution is Brought to you by Google
Everything is upside down. What was bottom is now top. That’s what Google did. It created transparency. Everybody has access to information, except the information you keep off of Google. That’s how you retain power, maintain the opacity, don’t give them the files. We have a right to zoning… Officers’ files, don’t we? Here’s the zoning guy… he’s got 25 years of texts, emails, conversations, needing notes, documents, everything. We need proper storage, properly filed, indexed. We have a right to that, and it’s huge. I’m not going to let them walk away without that institutional knowledge. No, not to hear from us, the people. And if I have to file a Freedom of Information Act, I will.
9. The state props up Bridgeport
An example of how they can maintain power by keeping them offline is the and how they prop up Bridgeport is the mayoral race with Joe Ganim. Which I’ve written about extensively and posted. He hired an out-of-town straw dog woman, Colleen Le Pere of Woodbridge, CT who apparently lives in a P.O box… unemployed… Has a relationship with her going back many years. For some weird reasons, she’s put on staff on various campaigns and put on the payroll of this person running and that person running by the Democratic town committee. And paid handsomely. Has a history of catfishing. It is an invasive species… the New Haven catfish! We have two invasive species, the other is bamboo.
10. When the recently arrested campaign workers for Ganim say that the Democrats are behind, know about it, that Connecticut Democrats know about it, they’re right. They absolutely know about it. And various agencies of the state and the elections department and SEEC, who were told what to do, have no authority or teeth on their own… all know about it. That’s the whole point. They’re right. They do know about it. And the authorities know about it, and I’ve written about it and reported about it.
11. The question’s always been… What are you going to do about it? It was always nothing. You can’t do anything. And one of the ways they maintained it is keeping things offline and opaque like this. So now, if you look at the forms that they had to file. This is the plan in black and white…
12. Follow the money there’s out-of-town control of the finances and the money.
13. The State Elections Enforcement Commission is the Unenforcement (SEEC is SEUC) Led me to conversations with SEEC…. the state elections enforcement commission SEEC. I think enforcement should be changed to unenforcement, which would make it s-e-u-c. Suck, as in rhymes with such. As in man, the way the system is manipulated and taken away from any sort of investigative or prosecutable authority for SEEC to maintain the status quo in Bridgeport really does suck.